garbage to garden
We compost our natural waste from the brewing process as well as biodegradable paper products and other natural materials. Local company, Garbage to Garden comes by and picks up our bins for compost fertilizer use around the area.
6-Pack Ring Recycling
Have you seen the cool 6-pack rings we use on our OG lager?
These awesome PakTech can holders are made from recycled plastic! We're one of the few breweries in Maine that is a participant of the PakTech recycling program.
In order to ensure moisture is not trapped beneath the Paktech can handle, we allow our cans to fully dry before installing them.
4-Pack ring Recycling
We, like everyone else in the industry, have to fill cans at a temperature that causes the cans to sweat once filled. The amount of moisture re-forming on the can varies significantly with the seasons. The Roberts Polypro can handle allows good ambient air exposure to the one location the moisture can/will collect; the can top. Because of this, we use the Roberts can handle on all of our 4-pack products as they are applied within a minute or 2 of the can being filled.
Recycling to save the environment
Both the Roberts top and the Paktech top are made from 100% recyclable, high density polyethylene (HDPE), and carry the #2 recycling code.
We recycle both the Roberts and the Pakteck tops at the brewery and all craft beer customers are welcome to recycle their can tops with us at the brewery!
All collected can tops are sent to Pakteck for proper recycling. We do this in partnership with Allagash and Paktech thereby preventing the collected can tops from ending up in the ocean polluting and harming ocean animals.
If you're interested in joining the program, reach out to us and we'll tell you how to get involved!